Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday's Fabulous Find.... 5-28-10

For all my fabulous fashionistas and bloggers, I have a treat for your today. Because my days are filled with marketing and PR, one of my mantras is sending personalized note cards to clients, vendors, potential media contacts and industry partners. I think it's a great practice to send personalized cards. I cannot begin to tell you how much it as set me apart from many other marketing/PR individuals. I have a stash of really nice personalized note cards but today, I found these cards and thought I would share them with you - they are simply FABULOUS..... So, here are my fabulous finds and hopefully, it will inspire you to write that next beautiful note...


                                                  my personal favorite......

{all available at}


  1. You are right - when I receive personalized handwritten notecards, I feel as though they have put a lot of thought into sending it.. - makes you feel special. Love these designs BTW..

  2. Hi! Truly appreciate the comment you left on my blog earlier and more especially that you are now a follower of Simply Seductive! I love your blog and will also link to you in addition to following you. Have a great day and upcoming weekend!

    Linda xoxo

  3. Very cute cards. Personalized notecards go a long way now that anyone can easily send an email. A note in the mail is very thoughtful!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  4. Love these! I want them all!

  5. Love your blog - found it through another blog and couldn't stop much fun! You are right - notecards are a dying art and more kudos to those who still use them.

    Have a great weekend!!!

  6. guys, you are right - note cards are the new sensations!! Leah, I know you would love these cards, especially the black and yellow ones... My favorites by the way.



What are you thinking? I would love to hear your comments and feedback! XOXO Karee...