Monday, May 10, 2010

WOW - A Licious!!! For All My Self-Proclaimed Foodies.....

While searching for recipes, I visited one of my favorite food blogs Closet Cooking and all I can say is WOW! I found this great recipe that I tested out and it was amazing. Talk about a shock to your taste buds!The Tandori Chicken Melt was phenom!!Check out the recipes and if you try anything - please let me know the outcome!!

The Okonomiyaki (Japanese Pancake)
{via Closet Cooking....}


  1. I am certainly going to try that Tandori Chicken Melt - it looks yummy!!

  2. Looks yummy, so what did it taste like, for real? Something out of an Indian restaurant? And is that some type of savory take on a pancake, cause there looks to b emeat and chives on that pancake? Anyway it all sounds good, I'm getting hungry as I type...

  3. guys, it was really good, while mine didn't look as great as the picture, it was still good...


  4. That does look delish, like I want it today for lunch. Thanks for linking up. This is fantastic to add so many great recipes to my repetoire.


What are you thinking? I would love to hear your comments and feedback! XOXO Karee...